Why Design Engineers need Trade Specific Cost Consultants

Written by Kevin Leger

Are you a design engineer working in the construction industry? Are you tired of your projects going over budget when tendered to contractors? If so, Move Mech Consulting is here to assist you with this.

Construction costs are always changing and unless you are continuously involved in costing of individuals construction components, your budgets will be inaccurate, and your projects costs won’t be properly measured. Hiring a trade specific cost consultant is the best way to have accurate budgets based on the following points:

  1. Specialty
    1. Hire a cost consultant which has experience in the mechanical pre-construction industry. Having completed projects across the globe worth over $300,000,000.00. From health clinics in remote communities only accessible by ice road, to projects located with materials requiring to be shipped by boat or flying every component in the country for the project since it’s only acceptable method. We have successfully completed these projects and are ready to face whichever challenges you have with your project to keep it within budget.
    2. We are specialized in large complex mechanical systems and will be your most cost-effective solution to prepare your construction budgets.
  2. Accuracy
    1. Completing detailed take-offs and having a database of completed projects to assist you in project costing. Having completed projects from multi-unit residential apartments to aircraft hangers, to specialized laboratories we have the experience you need to properly prepare your budgets.
    2. Need glass tubing for a laboratory drain? No problem. Need a stainless steel exhaust system for your laboratory exhaust? We won’t forget to account for all fittings, use the proper metal gauge and additional supports/bracing of the ductwork to accommodate the high negative pressure the ductwork will be operating.
    3. We account for all items required to complete the constructability of the project within our budget. For example, all valves, dampers, reducers/transitions, etc. required to complete the construction of the project can add a significant cost to the budget. All items required for the functionality and serviceability of the system will be included in our budget even if not completed on your drawings. We will even provide you a list of all components/items which are not shown that you might want to be shown to prevent future costly change orders since they were missing in the original documents.
  3. Project Specific
    1. We will NOT use $/ft2 to calculate your hospital project based on a apartment building with a factor applied to it. We will complete a full take-off of all the components on the project to ensure accuracy.
    2. Having completed projects across the globe, we are aware of all the hidden construction costs associated with projects from different regions so we can provide you an accurate budget wherever your project is located. Need a helicopter to complete a lift? Not a problem, it’s been done before. Need an ice road to access the site? Make sure the construction schedule is built around the seasons required to ensure a satisfied client.
    3. Looking at changing condensers 50 storeys above the ground? Have you considered modular units? These units might the best cost-effective solution, once you factor in the installation costs.
  4. Cost Effective
    1. No need to pay the high salary of your engineers at the firm to do budgets with inaccurate data. Contact us for our attractive rates.

It will be better for all parties involved if you could advise your client of the actual budget before going to tender instead of having to explain why a cost competitive estimate from multiple parties is significantly more expensive than your budget.

You don’t like having to explain your budget increases, and owners don’t like asking the finance team / bank for additional funds before the shovel hits the ground. Contact us to prepare your budgets so you can concentrate on your designs and building strong relationships with your clients. We will provide you a list of potential loopholes, so you can protect yourself in advance of potential additional charges which will appear during construction.

Lastly, don’t hesitate to proofread your specifications before going out to tender, you are not doing anyone any favours by stating all drainage to be pvc, when you’re building a laboratory that will have specialized drainage. The owner will pay for it at some point, so might as well release the package with the right information. Contact us at [email protected] to see why we are the best cost consultant for your needs.

Published On: May 26th, 2023 / Categories: Uncategorized /